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Author | Title | Magazine | Publisher | Editor | Keyword
This Database (Version 3) includes all records compiled with the help of students at Dickinson College from January 2015 to July 2016. It was supported through five consecutive awards for student-faculty research ($35,000, Mellon Foundation) which funded 2,120 hours in "humanities lab" internships for undergraduates in TEI: The Text Encoding Initiative. In 18 months, students completed 105 titles, 364 issues, and 5,266 items (+ 50,000 pages*). Search results combine bibliographical information [sorting = title, author, editor, publisher]. Types include [Metadata], [Keyword], [Full-Text]; [pattern match], [proximity match], [Boolean operators].
The beta release of version 2.0 is still available for testing: . You can also download the full dataset via .
[[uid]] | [[_periodical_title_(_date_of_first_issue_)_]] | [[[[[[[_format_paper_]]]]]]] | [[_genre_]] | [[_schedule_]] | [[__byline_persName_role_editor__]] | [[[___orgName_role_imprint___]]] | [[[[[___location_business_address___]]]]] | [[copies]] |
1 | 10 Story Book (1901) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | rom, sex | monthly | Harry Stephen Keeler | 10 Story Book Corp. | 529 S. Clark St., Chicago, IL | 1 / 455 |
2 | 10 Story Western (1936) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | monthly | Harry Widmer | Popular Publications, Inc. | 205 E. 42nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 194 |
3 | 15 Western Tales (1942) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | bi-monthly | Eiler Jacobsen | Popular Publications, Inc. | 205 E. 42nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 130 |
4 | 2-Gun Western Novels (1937) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | bi-monthly | Robert O. Erisman | Western Fiction Publishing Co. | 4600 Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL | 2 / 100 |
5 | Adventure (1910) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | adv, ant | monthly | Trumbull White; Arthur Hoffman | Ridgway Company, The | Spring & Macdougal St., New York, NY | 30 / 881 |
6 | Air Stories (1927) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | avi, adv | monthly | J. B. Kelly | Fiction House, Inc. | 271 Madison Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 61 |
7 | Air Wonder Stories (1929) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, avi | monthly | David Lasser | Stellar Publishing Corp. | 96-98 Park Place, New York, NY | 4 / 11 |
8 | All Western Magazine (1931) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | bi-monthly | Arthur Lawson | Dell Publishing Co. | 46 W. 24th St., New York, NY | 1 / 94 |
9 | All-Around Weekly (1909) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | adv, boy | weekly | Luis Senarens | Frank Tousey, Pub. | 24 Union Square, New York, NY | 1 / 72 |
10 | All-Sports Library (1905) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | spo, boy | weekly | (House Name) | Winner Library, Co., The | 2 Duane St., New York, NY | 1 / 56 |
11 | All-Story Magazine, The (1905) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, sff | monthly | Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 14 / 444 |
12 | All-Story Weekly (1914) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, var | weekly | Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 11 / 333 |
13 | Amazing Stories (1926) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | sff, adv | monthly | Hugo Gernsback | Experimenter Publishing Co. | 53 Park Place, New York, NY | 21 / 609 |
14 | Amazing Stories Quarterly (1928) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | sff, ant | quarterly | Hugo Gernsback | Experimenter Publishing Co. | 53 Park Place, New York, NY | 4 / 22 |
15 | Argosy All-Story Weekly (1920) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, var | weekly | Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 5 / 483 |
16 | Argosy and Railroad Man's Magazine (1919) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, rai | weekly | Matthew White, Jr. | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 18 |
17 | Argosy, The (1896) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | monthly | Matthew White, Jr. | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 12 / 2577 |
18 | Astounding Science-Fiction (1938) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, tec | monthly | John W. Cambell, Jr. | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 257 |
19 | Astounding Stories (1930) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, adv | monthly | Harry Bates | Clayton Magazines | 155 E. 44th St., New York, NY | 5 / 349 |
20 | Basketball Stories (1937) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | spo, ant | quarterly | Malcolm Reiss | Fiction House, Inc. | 271 Madison Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 1 |
21 | Bedtime Tales (1930) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | rom, sex | irregular | Harry Donenfeld | D.M. Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 1 / 100 |
22 | Black Cat, The (1895) | und, (05.x08), book-paper | sup, fan | monthly | Herman D. Umbstaetter | Shortstory Publishing Co., The | 144 High St., Boston, MA | 1 / 316 |
23 | Black Mask, The (1920) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | det, cri | monthly | F. M. Osborne; Joseph T. Shaw | Pro-Distributors Publishing Co. | 25 W. 45th St., New York, NY | 6 / 340 |
24 | Blue Book Magazine, The (1907) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | monthly | Donald Kennicott; Ray Long | Story-Press Corp. | 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, IL | 10 / 613 |
25 | Breezy Stories (1915) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, sex | monthly | Cashel St. John Pomeroy | C.H. Young Pub. Co. | 112-14 E. 19th St., New York, NY | 1 / 360 |
26 | Buffalo Bill Stories, The (1901) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | wes, boy | weekly | Frank Blackwell | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 947 |
27 | Cavalier, The (1908) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | weekly | Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 163 |
28 | Collier's Weekly (1821) | ovr, (11.x15), slick-paper | gen, ant | weekly | Norman Hapgood | P.F. Collier & Son | 416 W. 13th St., New York, NY | 1 / 999 |
29 | Deadwood Dick Library (1899) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | wes, boy | weekly | (House Name) | Arthur Westbrook Co. | No. 98 William St., New York, NY | 1 / 64 |
30 | Detective Fiction Weekly (1928) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | det, cri | weekly | Howard V. Bloomfield | Red Star News Co. (Frank A. Munsey) | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 4 / 929 |
31 | Detective Story Magazine (1915) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | det, mys | weekly | Frank E. Blackwell | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 5 / 1057 |
32 | Dime Mystery Magazine (1932) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | mys, cri | monthly | Rogers Terrill | Popular Publications, Inc. | 205 E. 42nd St., New York, NY | 4 / 159 |
33 | Dynamic Science Stories (1939) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, tec | monthly | Robert O. Erisman | Western Fiction Publishing Co. | 4600 Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL | 2 / 2 |
34 | Everybody's Magazine (1899) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | gen, ant | monthly | John O'Hara Cosgrave | Ridgway Company, The | Spring & Macdougal St., New York, NY | 1 / 355 |
35 | Exciting Western (1940) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | bi-monthly | Leo Margulies | Better Publications, Inc. | 10 E. 40th St., New York, NY | 3 / 76 |
36 | Famous Fantastic Mysteries (1939) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, rep | monthly | Mary Gnaedinger | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 5 / 81 |
37 | Fight Stories (1928) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | spo, ant | monthly | William H. Kofoed | Fiction House, Inc. | 271 Madison Ave., New York, NY | 3 / 106 |
38 | Flying Stories (1928) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | avi, adv | monthly | Walter E. Colby | New Metropolitan Fiction, Inc. (Macfadden) | 130 W. 42nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 20 |
39 | Follies (1922) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | sex, rom | quarterly | Joseph Burten | Burten Publications | 185 Bleeker St., New York, NY | 1 / 38 |
40 | Frank Reade Library (1892) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | sff, boy | weekly | (House Name) | Frank Tousey, Pub. | 24 Union Square, New York, NY | 1 / 191 |
41 | Frontier, The (1924) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, fro | monthly | Harry E. Maule | Doubleday, Page & Co. | 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY | 3 / 160 |
42 | Gay Life Stories (1939) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | sex, rom | monthly | (House Name) | Eagle Magazine Co. | Address Not Listed, Chicago, IL | 1 / 7 |
43 | Ghost Stories (1926) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | sup, cff | monthly | Harry A. Keller | Constructive Publishing Corp. (Macfadden) | Washington & South Aves., Dunellen, NJ | 1 / 64 |
44 | Ginger Stories (1928) | std, (07.x10), slick-insert | rom, sex | monthly | Natalie Messenger | King Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 2 / 64 |
45 | Green Book Magazine, The (1909) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | thr, ant | monthly | Karl Edwin Harriman | Story-Press Corp. | 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, IL | 1 / 151 |
46 | Harper's Magazine (1850) | std, (07.x10), book-paper | gen, ant | monthly | Henry Mills Alden | Harper & Brothers | 327-35 Pearl St., New York, NY | 1 / 999 |
47 | Hollywood Nights (1937) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | sex, rom | quarterly | Henry Marcus | Detinuer Publishing Co. | 799 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 3 |
48 | Hutchinson's Story Magazine (1919) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | monthly | Erle Lunn | Hutchinson & Co. | 34-36, Paternoster Row, London, LO | 2 / 125 |
49 | I Confess (1922) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, sex | fortnightly | Elizabeth Sharp | Dell Publishing Co. | 46 W. 24th St., New York, NY | 1 / 209 |
50 | Indian Stories (1950) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, ant | quarterly | Jack O'Sullivan | Wings Publishing Co. (Fiction House) | 130 W. 42nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 3 |
51 | Jungle Stories (1938) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | adv, jun | quarterly | Malcolm Reiss | Glen-Kel Publishing Co., Inc. (Fiction House) | 130 W. 42nd St., New York, NY | 5 / 59 |
52 | La Paree Stories (1930) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | sex, rom | monthly | H. R. Merrill | D.M. Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 1 / 94 |
53 | Live Stories (1913) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, rom | monthly | Grove E. Wilson | New Fiction Publishing Co. | 35-37 W. 39th St., New York, NY | 2 / 166 |
54 | Love Story Magazine (1921) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, lov | weekly | Daisy Bacon | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 3 / 1172 |
55 | Mammoth Adventure (1946) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | adv, ant | bi-monthly | Raymond A. Palmer | Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. | 540 N. Michigan Ave.; 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL | 1 / 8 |
56 | Mammoth Mystery (1945) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | mys, ant | bi-monthly | B.G. Davis; Raymond A. Palmer | Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. | 540 N. Michigan Ave.; 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL | 1 / 11 |
57 | Masked Rider Western (1934) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, adv | quarterly | Eugene A. Clancy | Better Publications, Inc. | 10 E. 40th St., New York, NY | 2 / 100 |
58 | McClure's Magazine (1893) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | gen, ant | monthly | S.S. McClure | S.S. McClure Co. | 44-60 E. 23rd Street, New York, NY | 1 / 444 |
59 | Merry Magazine, The (1924) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | hum, rom | monthly | Leslie Henson | Amalgamated Press, Ltd. | Fleetway House, Farringdon St., London, LO | 1 / 68 |
60 | Munsey's Magazine (1889) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | gen, ant | monthly | Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 590 |
61 | New Love Magazine (1941) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, lov | monthly | Peggy Graves | Fictioneers, Inc. (Popular Publications) | 2256 Grove St., Chicago, IL | 1 / 126 |
62 | New Story Magazine (1911) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | monthly | A.L. Sessions | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 52 |
63 | Nick Carter Weekly (1897) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | det, boy | weekly | Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 819 |
64 | Night Life Tales (1930) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | rom, sex | irregular | Harry Donenfeld | D.M. Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 1 / 100 |
65 | North West Romances (1937) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, adv | quarterly | Jack O'Sullivan | Glen-Kel Publishing Co., Inc. (Fiction House) | 130 W. 42nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 61 |
66 | Out of this World Adventures (1950) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, adv | bi-monthly | Donald A. Wollheim | Avon Periodicals, Inc. | 119 W. 57th St., New York, NY | 2 / 2 |
67 | People's Magazine (1906) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, det | monthly | A.L. Sessions | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 2 / 279 |
68 | Pep Stories (1926) | und, (05.x08), slick-insert | sex, rom | monthly | Natalie Messenger | Narvel Publishing Co., Inc. | 305 E. 46th St., New York, NY | 1 / 142 |
69 | Planet Stories (1939) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, fan | quarterly | Malcolm Reiss; W. Scott Peacock | Love Romances Inc. (Fiction House) | 670 Fifth Ave., New York, NY | 8 / 71 |
70 | Popular Magazine, The (1903) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, adv | monthly | Charles Agnew Maclean | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 13 / 612 |
71 | Railroad Man's Magazine, The (1906) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rai, ant | monthly | Freeman Hubbard; Robert H. Davis | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 25 / 692 |
72 | Railroad Stories (1932) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rai, ant | monthly | Louis M. Goldberg | Frank A. Munsey Co. | 280 Broadway Ave., New York, NY | 4 / 67 |
73 | Ranch Romances (1924) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, rom | fortnightly | Fanny Ellsworth | Warner Publications, Inc. | 578 Madison Ave., New York, NY | 3 / 886 |
74 | Red Book Magazine, The (1903) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | ant, rom | monthly | Karl Edwin Harriman | Red Book Corp., The | 158-64 State St., Chicago, IL | 1 / 999 |
75 | Romance (1919) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | adv, rom | monthly | Arthur Sullivant Hoffman | Ridgway Company, The | Spring & Macdougal St., New York, NY | 2 / 27 |
76 | Saturday Evening Post, The (1821) | ovr, (11.x14), slick-paper | gen, ant | weekly | George Horace Lorimer | Curtis Publishing Co. | 425 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA | 1 / 999 |
77 | Saucy Stories (1916) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, sex | monthly | Wyndham Martyn | Inter-Continental Publishing Corp. | 25 W. 45th St., New York, NY | 2 / 129 |
78 | Scribner's Magazine (1887) | std, (07.x10), book-paper | gen, ant | monthly | Edward L. Burlingame | Charles Scribner's Sons | 597-99 Fifth Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 617 |
79 | Sea Stories Magazine (1922) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sea, adv | monthly | H.W. Ralston | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 138 |
80 | Short Stories (1890) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, var | monthly | Harry E. Maule | Doubleday, Page & Co. | 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY | 4 / 1114 |
81 | Smart Set, The (1900) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | smf, var | monthly | H.L. Mencken, George Jean Nathan | Smart Set Company, Inc. | 25 W. 45th St., New York, NY | 1 / 365 |
82 | Smith's Magazine (1905) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | gen, ant | monthly | Charles Agnew Maclean; Theodore Dreiser | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 203 |
83 | Snappy Magazine (1929) | std, (07.x10), slick-insert | sex, rom | monthly | Merle W. Hersey | D.M. Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 1 / 105 |
84 | Snappy Stories (1912) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, sex | fortnightly | Virginia O'Day | New Fiction Publishing Co. | 35-37 W. 39th St., New York, NY | 1 / 321 |
85 | Spicy Adventure Stories (1934) | std, (07.x10), slick-insert | adv, rom | monthly | Lawrence Cadman | Culture Publications, Inc. | 480 Lexington Ave.; 125 E. 46th St., New York, NY | 1 / 117 |
86 | Spicy Stories (1928) | std, (07.x10), slick-insert | sex, rom | monthly | Merle W. Hersey | D.M. Publishing Co. | 900 Market St., Wilmington, DE | 1 / 117 |
87 | Startling Stories (1939) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, adv | monthly | Mortimer Weisinger | Better Publications, Inc. | 10 E. 40th St., New York, NY | 15 / 99 |
88 | Sweetheart Stories (1925) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | rom, lov | monthly | Florence A. McChesney; Dorothy F. Grinnell | Dell Publishing Co. | 46 W. 24th St., New York, NY | 1 / 324 |
89 | Thrilling Adventures (1931) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | adv, ant | monthly | J.S. Williams | Metropolitan Magazines | 570 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 3 / 139 |
90 | Thrills Incorporated (1950) | und, (05.x08), pulp-paper | sff, adv | monthly | Alister Innes | Transport Publishing Co. (Assoc. Gen. Pub.) | Hunter House, 26 Hunter St., Sydney, NSW | 7 / 23 |
91 | Tip Top Weekly (1896) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | adv, boy | weekly | Frederick Tilney | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 1017 |
92 | Top-Notch Magazine (1910) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, spo | fortnightly | Harry W. Thomas | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 5 / 602 |
93 | Weird Tales (1923) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wei, sup | monthly | Farnsworth Wright | Popular Fiction Publishing Co. | 840 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL | 30 / 279 |
94 | Western Story Magazine (1919) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | wes, ant | weekly | Frank E. Blackwell | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 4 / 1297 |
95 | Wide-Awake Magazine (1915) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, boy | fortnightly | Gilbert Patten | Street & Smith Corp. | 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York, NY | 1 / 13 |
96 | Wild West Weekly (1902) | qrt, (8.5x11), news-print | wes, boy | weekly | Ronald Oliphant | Harry E. Wolff, Pub. | 166 W. 23rd. St., New York, NY | 1 / 1294 |
97 | Wonder Stories (1930) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | sff, fan | monthly | David Lasser | Stellar Publishing Corp. | 96-98 Park Place, New York, NY | 11 / 66 |
98 | Wonder Stories Quarterly (1929) | ovr, (08.x11), pulp-paper | sff, ant | quarterly | David Lasser | Stellar Publishing Corp. | 96-98 Park Place, New York, NY | 7 / 14 |
99 | World Fiction (1922) | std, (07.x10), pulp-paper | ant, rep | monthly | Harriet V. Wishnieff | Houston Publishing Co. | 9 E. 37nd St., New York, NY | 1 / 7 |
100 | Young's Magazine (1897) | std, (07.x10), mixed-grade | sex, ant | monthly | Cashel St. John Pomeroy | C.H. Young Pub. Co. | 112-14 E. 19th St., New York, NY | 1 / 368 |
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